.. _design: Design ====== Overview -------- .. image:: _static/babble_design_2.png :height: 630px :width: 483px :align: center Almost any software application can be modeled in terms of a *service* and a *state*. The *service* is responsible for processing commands (ex. user input), while the *state* is responsible for manipulating and storing the data (eg. database). Usually, when commands require updating the data, the *service* will invoke the *state* directly. In a distributed application, however, commands (referred to as *transactions* in this context), must be broadcast to all replicas and put in a common order before being applied to the *state*. This ensures that all replicas process the same commands in the same order. Hence, the *service* no longer communicates directly with the *state* (except for read-only requests), but forwards commands to a *transaction ordering system* which takes care of broadcasting and ordering the transactions across all replicas before feeding them back to the application's *state*. Babble is an ordering system that plugs into any application thanks to a very simple interface. It uses a consensus algorithm to replicate and order the transactions, and a blockchain to represent the resulting list. A blockchain is a linear data structure composed of batches of transactions, hashed and signed together, allowing to easily verify any transaction. So, instead of applying commands directly to the *state*, Babble applications must forward the commands to Babble and let them be processed asynchronously by the consensus system before receiving them back, in blocks, ready to be applied to the *state*. Note that it is left to the application layer to filter out bad transactions before relaying them from clients to the consensus engine. Unlike other middleware designed to sit in front of the application (like Apache or Tendermint), the user-facing API is app-specific, and Babble just takes care or managing the consensus "under the hood". This filtering partially addresses spam from anonymous clients, but doesn't protect against malicious nodes spamming the network; that is a potential enhancement on the roadmap. Consensus and Blockchain ------------------------ At the core of Babble is an algorithm ensuring that all participants process the same transactions in the same order. We have chosen to implement a system suitable for the most adversarial conditions - with powerful attackers. This is known as Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) and has been a field of research for over 30 years. Our system is based on our interpretation of a paper published by Leemon Baird in 2016 ``__ which describes a method for extracting a consensus order of events from a data structure representing the history of gossip between a set of participants. Instead of only gossiping transactions and exchanging votes directly, members gossip about gossip itself; something that can be represented in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) - the hashgraph. The algorithm for extracting a consensus order from the hashgraph is proven to work and attains the theoretical limits of Byzantine fault-tolerance in terms of the number and power of the malicious members it can cope with. The messaging routines required to gossip and create the hashgraph are very simple compared to other BFT algorithms. The hashgraph itself, however, is not ideal for representing the ordered list of transactions because it is a two-dimensional object which doesn't explicitly express a linear order of the items it contains. Hence, we developed a method to map the hashgraph onto a blockchain. A blockchain is a data structure where transactions are packaged in hash-linked blocks. Each block is identified by a cryptographic hash and contains a hash of the previous block, so that blocks can form a chain from the first block ever to the last formed block. In this way, all the block - and transactions - are connected via a linear linked list structure. In our system, blocks contain a collection of signatures of their own hash from the participants. A block with valid signatures from at least one third of validators can be considered valid because - by hypothesis - at least one of those signatures is from an honest member. Projecting the hashgraph onto a blockchain makes it much easier for third parties to verify the consensus order. It makes it possible to build light-clients and to integrate Hashgraph based systems with other blockchains. For more detail about the projection method, please refer to :ref:`blockchain`